Source code for metage2metabo.m2m.individual_scope

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Clémence Frioux & Arnaud Belcour - Inria Dyliss - Pleiade - Microcosme
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>

import csv
import json
import logging
import os
import statistics
import sys
import time
import traceback
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

from menetools import run_menescope
from menetools.sbml import readSBMLspecies_clyngor

from metage2metabo import utils

from multiprocessing import Pool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def iscope(sbmldir, seeds, out_dir, cpu_number=1): """Compute individual scopes (reachable metabolites) for SBML files in a directory. Args: sbmldir (str): SBML files directory seeds (str): SBML seeds file out_dir (str): output directory cpu_number (int): number of CPU to use for multiprocessing Returns: set: union of reachable metabolites for all metabolic networks """ # Run individual scopes of metabolic networks if any starttime = time.time() if len([ name for name in os.listdir(sbmldir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sbmldir, name)) and utils.get_extension(os.path.join(sbmldir, name)).lower() in ["xml", "sbml"] ]) > 1: scope_dict, seeds_dict, scope_json, seeds_status_path = indiv_scope_run(sbmldir, seeds, out_dir, cpu_number)'\nIndividual scopes for all metabolic networks available in {scope_json}. The scopes have been filtered a way that if a seed is in a scope, it means the corresponding species is predicted to be able to produce it.')'\nInformation regarding the producibility of seeds, and the possible absence of seeds in some metabolic networks is stored in {seeds_status_path}.\n') # Analyze the individual scopes results (json file) reachable_metabolites_union = analyze_indiv_scope(scope_dict, seeds_dict, seeds) # Compute the reverse iscopes (who produces each metabolite) reverse_scope_json, reverse_scope_tsv = reverse_scope(scope_dict, out_dir)"\nAnalysis of functional redundancy (producers of all metabolites) is computed as a dictionary in {reverse_scope_json} and as a matrix in {reverse_scope_tsv}.")"--- Indiv scopes runtime %.2f seconds ---\n" % (time.time() - starttime)) return reachable_metabolites_union else: logger.critical("The number of SBML files is <= 1 in the input directory") sys.exit(1)
[docs] def indiv_scope_run(sbml_dir, seeds, output_dir, cpu_number=1): """Run Menetools and analyse individual metabolic capabilities. Args: sbml_dir (str): directory of SBML files seeds (str): SBML seeds file output_dir (str): directory for results cpu_number (int): number of CPU to use for multiprocessing Returns: str: path to output file for scope from Menetools analysis """'\n###############################################')'# #')'# Individual metabolic potentials #')'# #')'###############################################\n') menetools_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'indiv_scopes') indiv_scopes_path = os.path.join(menetools_dir, 'indiv_scopes.json') produced_seeds_path = os.path.join(menetools_dir, 'seeds_in_indiv_scopes.json') if not utils.is_valid_dir(menetools_dir): logger.critical('Impossible to access/create output directory') sys.exit(1) all_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(sbml_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sbml_dir, f)) and utils.get_extension( os.path.join(sbml_dir, f)).lower() in ['xml', 'sbml'] ] all_scopes = {} all_produced_seeds = {} all_absent_seeds = {} all_non_produced_seeds = {} multiprocessing_indiv_scopes = [] for f in all_files: bname = utils.get_basename(f) sbml_path = os.path.join(sbml_dir, f) multiprocessing_indiv_scopes.append((sbml_path, bname, seeds)) menescope_pool = Pool(cpu_number) results = menescope_pool.starmap(indiv_scope_on_species, multiprocessing_indiv_scopes) for result in results: error = result[0] if error is True: logger.critical('------------An error occurred during M2M run of Menetools, M2M will stop-------------') menescope_pool.close() menescope_pool.join() sys.exit(1) bname = result[1] menescope_results = result[2] all_scopes[bname] = menescope_results['scope'] all_produced_seeds[bname] = menescope_results['produced_seeds'] all_absent_seeds[bname] = menescope_results['absent_seeds'] all_non_produced_seeds[bname] = menescope_results['non_produced_seeds'] menescope_pool.close() menescope_pool.join() seeds_status = {} seeds_status['individually_producible_seeds'] = all_produced_seeds seeds_status['seeds_absent_in_metabolic_network'] = all_absent_seeds seeds_status['individually_non_producible_seeds'] = all_non_produced_seeds # Some seeds might be producible by some metabolic networks. By default, menescope include all seeds in the scope, regardless of their real producibility by the network. seed_status_dict holds this information. # We'll remove them here # remove from each scope the seeds that are not producible by the corresponding species. for species in all_scopes: # non producible seeds are in seeds_status_dict['individually_non_producible_seeds'][species] all_scopes[species] = list(set(all_scopes[species]) - set(seeds_status['individually_non_producible_seeds'][species])) with open(indiv_scopes_path, 'w') as dumpfile: json.dump(all_scopes, dumpfile, indent=4) with open(produced_seeds_path, 'w') as dumpfile: json.dump(seeds_status, dumpfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) return all_scopes, seeds_status, indiv_scopes_path, produced_seeds_path
[docs] def indiv_scope_on_species(sbml_path, bname, seeds_path): """Run Menetools and analyse individual metabolic capabilities on a sbml. Args: sbml_path (str): path to SBML file bname (str): name linked to SBML file seeds_path (str): path to SBML seeds file Returns: list: [boolean error, bname, dictionary containing menescope results] """ error = False try: menescope_results = run_menescope( draft_sbml=sbml_path, seeds_sbml=seeds_path) except: traceback_str = traceback.format_exc() # Don't print the traceback if the error is linked to SystemExit as the error has been hanled by menetools. if 'SystemExit: 1' not in traceback_str: logger.critical(traceback_str) logger.critical('---------------Something went wrong running Menetools on ' + bname + '---------------') error = True menescope_results = None return [error, bname, menescope_results]
[docs] def analyze_indiv_scope(scope_dict, seeds_status_dict, seeds): """Analyze the output of Menescope, stored in two dictionaries Args: scope_dict (dict): output of all menescope runs seeds_status_dict (dict): production status of seeds in all menescope runs seeds (str): SBML seeds file Returns: set: union of all the individual scopes """ scope_dict_set = {} individually_producible_seeds_set = {} for elem in scope_dict: scope_dict_set[elem] = set(scope_dict[elem]) for elem in seeds_status_dict['individually_producible_seeds']: individually_producible_seeds_set[elem] = set(seeds_status_dict['individually_producible_seeds'][elem]) try: seed_metabolites = readSBMLspecies_clyngor(seeds, 'seeds') except FileNotFoundError: logger.critical('File not found: '+ seeds) sys.exit(1) except etree.ParseError: logger.critical(f'Invalid syntax in SBML file: {seeds}') sys.exit(1) except: traceback_str = traceback.format_exc() # Don't print the traceback if the error is linked to SystemExit as the error has been handled by menetools. if 'SystemExit: 1' not in traceback_str: logger.critical(traceback_str) logger.critical('---------------Something went wrong running Menetools on " + seeds + "---------------') sys.exit(1)'%i metabolic models considered.' %(len(scope_dict_set))) intersection_scope = set.intersection(*list(scope_dict_set.values()))'\n' + str(len(intersection_scope)) + ' metabolites in core reachable by all organisms (intersection) \n')"\n".join(intersection_scope)) union_scope = set.union(*list(scope_dict_set.values())) union_producible_seeds = set.union(*list(individually_producible_seeds_set.values()))'\n' + str(len(union_scope)) + ' metabolites reachable by individual organisms altogether (union), among which ' + str(len(union_producible_seeds)) + ' metabolites that are also part of the seeds (growth medium) \n')"\n".join(union_scope)) len_scope = [len(scope_dict[elem]) for elem in scope_dict]'\nSummary:')'- intersection of scopes ' + str(len(intersection_scope)))'- union of scopes ' + str(len(union_scope)))'- max metabolites in scopes ' + str(max(len_scope)))'- min metabolites in scopes ' + str(min(len_scope)))'- average number of metabolites in scopes %.2f (+/- %.2f)' % (statistics.mean(len_scope), statistics.stdev(len_scope))) return union_scope
[docs] def reverse_scope(scope_dict, output_dir): """Reverse a scope dictionary by focusing on metabolite producers. Args: scope_dict (dict): dict of scope output_dir (str): path to output directory Returns: (str, str): paths to the JSON and TSV outputs """ rev_indiv_scopes_json_path = os.path.join(*[output_dir, 'indiv_scopes', 'rev_iscope.json']) rev_indiv_scopes_tsv_path = os.path.join(*[output_dir, 'indiv_scopes', 'rev_iscope.tsv']) new_dic = {} for k,v in scope_dict.items(): for x in v: new_dic.setdefault(x,[]).append(k) with open(rev_indiv_scopes_json_path, 'w') as g: json.dump(new_dic, g, indent=True, sort_keys=True) all_compounds = [compound for compound in new_dic] all_species = [species for species in scope_dict] # For each species get the possibility of production of each compounds. with open(rev_indiv_scopes_tsv_path, 'w') as output_file: csvwriter = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter='\t') csvwriter.writerow(['', *all_compounds]) for species in all_species: csvwriter.writerow([species, *[1 if species in new_dic[compound] else 0 for compound in all_compounds]]) return rev_indiv_scopes_json_path, rev_indiv_scopes_tsv_path