Source code for metage2metabo.m2m.m2m_workflow

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Clémence Frioux & Arnaud Belcour - Inria Dyliss - Pleiade - Microcosme
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>

import json
import logging
import os
import sys

from shutil import copyfile

from metage2metabo import utils, sbml_management
from metage2metabo.m2m.reconstruction import recon
from metage2metabo.m2m.individual_scope import iscope
from metage2metabo.m2m.community_scope import cscope
from metage2metabo.m2m.community_addedvalue import addedvalue
from metage2metabo.m2m.minimal_community import mincom

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def run_workflow(inp_dir, out_dir, nb_cpu, clean, seeds, noorphan_bool, padmet_bool, host_mn, targets_file, use_pwt_xml, target_com_scope=None): """Run the whole m2m workflow. Args: inp_dir (str): genomes directory out_dir (str): results directory nb_cpu (int): cpu number for multi-processing clean (bool): clean PGDB and re-run them seeds (str): seeds file noorphan_bool (bool): ignores orphan reactions if True padmet_bool (bool): creates padmet files if True host_mn (str): metabolic network file for host targets_file (str): targets file use_pwt_xml (bool): use Pathway Tools XML instead of creating them with padmet target_com_scope (bool): if True, will use all metabolties in com_scope as targets for minimal community predictions. """ # METABOLIC NETWORK RECONSTRUCTION sbml_dir = recon(inp_dir, out_dir, noorphan_bool, padmet_bool, 2, nb_cpu, clean, use_pwt_xml)[1] # METABOLISM COMMUNITY ANALYSIS metacom_analysis(sbml_dir, out_dir, seeds, host_mn, targets_file, nb_cpu, target_com_scope)
[docs] def metacom_analysis(sbml_dir, out_dir, seeds, host_mn, targets_file, cpu_number=1, target_com_scope=None): """Run the metabolism community analysis part of m2m. Args: sbml_dir (str): sbml input directory out_dir (str): results directory seeds (str): seeds file host_mn (str): metabolic network file for host targets_file (str): targets file cpu_number (int): number of CPU to use for multiprocessing target_com_scope (bool): if True, will use all metabolties in com_scope as targets for minimal community predictions. """ # INDIVIDUAL SCOPES union_targets_iscope = iscope(sbml_dir, seeds, out_dir, cpu_number) # COMMUNITY SCOPE instance_com, targets_cscope = cscope(sbml_dir, seeds, out_dir, targets_file, host_mn) # ADDED VALUE addedvalue_targets = addedvalue(union_targets_iscope, targets_cscope, out_dir) # If user gives a target file, check if the targets are in the addevalue if targets_file is not None: user_targets = set(sbml_management.get_compounds(targets_file)) newtargets = user_targets individually_producible_targets = user_targets.intersection(union_targets_iscope) if len(individually_producible_targets) > 0:'\n The following ' + str(len(individually_producible_targets)) + " targets are individually reachable by at least one organism: \n")"\n".join(individually_producible_targets)) commonly_producible_targets = user_targets.intersection(addedvalue_targets) if len(commonly_producible_targets) > 0:'\n The following ' + str(len(commonly_producible_targets)) + " targets are additionally reachable through putative cross-feeding events: \n")"\n".join(commonly_producible_targets)) else:"Cross feeding interactions do not enable the producibility of additional targets") else: # If user has not specified to use the com_scope as targets, use the addedvalue. if target_com_scope is None:"\nUse the addedvalue as targets.") user_targets = None newtargets = addedvalue_targets else:"\nUse the community scope (all metabolites producible by the community) as targets.") user_targets = None newtargets = targets_cscope if len(newtargets) > 0: target_file_path = os.path.join(*[out_dir, 'community_analysis', 'targets.sbml']) if targets_file is not None:"\nTarget file created with the targets provided by the user in: " + target_file_path) else: sbml_management.create_species_sbml(newtargets, target_file_path) if target_com_scope is None: logger_word = 'addedvalue' else: logger_word = 'community scope'"\nTarget file created with the {0} targets in: {1}".format(logger_word, target_file_path)) sbml_management.create_species_sbml(newtargets, target_file_path) # Add these targets to the instance"Setting " + str(len(newtargets)) + " compounds as targets. \n") # if len(newtargets) != len(addedvalue_targets): #"\n".join(newtargets)) instance_w_targets = add_targets_to_instance( instance_com, out_dir, newtargets) # MINCOM mincom(instance_w_targets, seeds, newtargets, out_dir) # remove intermediate files # Due to unstable behaviour of os.unlink on Windows, do not delete the file. # Refer to: if sys.platform != 'win32': os.unlink(instance_com) os.unlink(instance_w_targets) else:"No newly producible compounds, hence no community selection will be computed") os.unlink(instance_com) # Create targets producibility result file targets_producibility(out_dir, union_targets_iscope, targets_cscope, addedvalue_targets, user_targets, target_com_scope)
[docs] def add_targets_to_instance(instancefile, output_dir, target_set): """Add targets to the ASP community instance file. Args: instancefile (str): instance filepath output_dir (str): directory for results target_set (set): targets to be added Returns: str: new instance filepath """ new_instance_file = os.path.join(*[output_dir, 'community_analysis', utils.get_basename(instancefile) + '__tgts.lp']) copyfile(instancefile, new_instance_file) with open(new_instance_file, 'a') as f: f.write('\n') for elem in target_set: f.write('target("' + elem + '").\n') return new_instance_file
[docs] def targets_producibility(m2m_out_dir, union_targets_iscope, targets_cscope, addedvalue_targets, user_targets=None, target_com_scope=None): """Create a json summarizing the producibility of the targets (either the addedvalue or the user provided targets) Args: m2m_out_dir (str): M2M results directory union_targets_iscope (list): targets producible by indiviual targets_cscope (list): targets producible by community addedvalue_targets (list): targets produbed by the community and not by individual user_targets (list): targets provided by the user target_com_scope (bool): if True, will use all metabolties in com_scope as targets for minimal community predictions. """ prod_targets = {} if user_targets is not None: selected_targets = user_targets unproducible_targets = user_targets - union_targets_iscope - targets_cscope producible_targets = user_targets.intersection(union_targets_iscope.union(targets_cscope)) indiv_producible = user_targets.intersection(union_targets_iscope) else: if target_com_scope is None: selected_targets = addedvalue_targets unproducible_targets = [] producible_targets = addedvalue_targets indiv_producible = [] else: selected_targets = targets_cscope unproducible_targets = [] producible_targets = targets_cscope indiv_producible = [] prod_targets['unproducible'] = list(unproducible_targets) prod_targets['producible'] = list(producible_targets) prod_targets['indiv_producible'] = list(indiv_producible) indiv_scopes_path = os.path.join(*[m2m_out_dir, 'indiv_scopes', 'indiv_scopes.json']) produced_seeds_path = os.path.join(*[m2m_out_dir, 'indiv_scopes', 'seeds_in_indiv_scopes.json']) comm_scopes_path = os.path.join(*[m2m_out_dir, 'community_analysis', 'comm_scopes.json']) reverse_cscope_path = os.path.join(*[m2m_out_dir, 'community_analysis', 'rev_cscope.json']) mincom_path = os.path.join(*[m2m_out_dir, 'community_analysis', 'mincom.json']) producibility_targets_path = os.path.join(m2m_out_dir, 'producibility_targets.json') if os.path.exists(indiv_scopes_path): prod_targets['individual_producers'] = {} with open(indiv_scopes_path) as json_data: producible_compounds = json.load(json_data) with open(produced_seeds_path) as json_data: producible_seeds = json.load(json_data) all_produced_seeds = [] for species in producible_seeds: all_produced_seeds.extend(producible_seeds[species]) all_produced_seeds = set(all_produced_seeds) for target in selected_targets: if target not in all_produced_seeds: species_producing_target = [species for species in producible_compounds if target in producible_compounds[species]] if species_producing_target != []: prod_targets['individual_producers'][target] = species_producing_target else: species_producing_target = [species for species in producible_compounds if target in producible_seeds[species]] if species_producing_target != []: prod_targets['individual_producers'][target] = species_producing_target if os.path.exists(comm_scopes_path): prod_targets['com_only_producers'] = {} if os.path.exists(reverse_cscope_path): with open(reverse_cscope_path) as json_data: rev_cscope = json.load(json_data) for target in selected_targets: if target in rev_cscope: if target in prod_targets['individual_producers']: only_com_producing_species = list(set(rev_cscope[target]) - set(prod_targets['individual_producers'][target])) else: only_com_producing_species = rev_cscope[target] prod_targets['com_only_producers'][target] = only_com_producing_species else: with open(comm_scopes_path) as json_data: com_producible_compounds = json.load(json_data) if 'targets_producers' in com_producible_compounds and 'individual_producers' in com_producible_compounds: for target in selected_targets: if target in com_producible_compounds['targets_producers']: if target in prod_targets['individual_producers']: only_com_producing_species = list(set(com_producible_compounds['targets_producers'][target]) - set(prod_targets['individual_producers'][target])) else: only_com_producing_species = com_producible_compounds['targets_producers'][target] prod_targets['com_only_producers'][target] = only_com_producing_species if os.path.exists(mincom_path): with open(mincom_path) as json_data: mincom_producible_compounds = json.load(json_data) prod_targets['mincom_producible'] = mincom_producible_compounds['producible'] prod_targets['key_species'] = mincom_producible_compounds['union_bacteria'] prod_targets['alternative_symbionts'] = mincom_producible_compounds['alternative_symbionts'] prod_targets['essential_symbionts'] = mincom_producible_compounds['essential_symbionts'] prod_targets['mincom_optsol_producers'] = {} prod_targets['mincom_union_producers'] = {} prod_targets['mincom_inter_producers'] = {} for target in selected_targets: if target in mincom_producible_compounds['one_model_targetsproducers']: prod_targets['mincom_optsol_producers'][target] = mincom_producible_compounds['one_model_targetsproducers'][target] if target in mincom_producible_compounds['union_targetsproducers']: prod_targets['mincom_union_producers'][target] = mincom_producible_compounds['union_targetsproducers'][target] if target in mincom_producible_compounds['inter_targetsproducers']: prod_targets['mincom_inter_producers'][target] = mincom_producible_compounds['inter_targetsproducers'][target] with open(producibility_targets_path, 'w') as dumpfile: json.dump(prod_targets, dumpfile, indent=4)'Targets producibility are available at ' + producibility_targets_path)